
Why Should You Use an EMI Calculator Before Applying For Car Loan?

When you go out to apply for car loan, you must be aware of all the finer details to avail top loan features. However, the whole process sometimes tends to be too daunting for people who are not aware about four wheeler loan features. From interest rates, repayment plans, credit score to others, every bit of information is evaluated by the lenders to decide if they are going to offer you a loan or not.

It is time to put all your worries at rest as we are going to discuss every bit of it for your benefit.

The key pointers that we are going to cover in this blog:

  1. What is EMI for car loan?
  2. What factors impact the car loan EMI?
  3. 3 handy tips to calculate EMI
  4. Benefits of EMI calculator before applying for a car loan
  5. Avail paperless online loan

Let’s discuss this in detail-

1. What is EMI for car loan?

EMI or Equated Monthly Installments give the option for the buyers to pay off an equated sum every month on the selected date to cover the expenses incurred with buying a vehicle. Once the loan application is accepted, the buyers have the freedom to choose the repayment plan according to their convenience.

The money to be repaid is divided into monthly installments along with the interest rate which in totality forms your Equated Monthly Installment for the loan application.

2. What factors impact the car loan EMI?

Your car loan is subjected to due scrutiny by the lender. Several things go into deciding your monthly installments. These include:

Loan amount: It is the total amount for which the loan is applied for. The higher the loan amount, the higher are the EMI’s. Based on the credit score, an applicant might be eligible for a higher loan amount. However, one must efficiently choose the loan amount according to their repayment plan.

Down payment: It is the initial payment the applicant must pay to get financing for their car purchase. As you pay the down payment, the loan amount comes down and, also the EMI’s.

Interest rate: The lender charges the rate of interest while accepting the loan application. Interest rates have a direct impact on EMI’s. The higher the interest rates, the higher is the EMI value. Based on the Credit score, the lenders offer you interest rates.

Repayment plan: Repayment tenure is the time an applicant takes to pay off the loan. You must decide the repayment plan based on the EMI plan.  As one go on to increase the repayment tenure, the EMI comes down to a lower value. However, as you increase the tenure, it might result in larger interest rates.

Make sure that you ask all the pertinent questions around the above-mentioned factors to decide on the best loan plan. This will help you understand the loan terms with better clarity and even help you find the best loan for your requirements.

3. Top 3 handy tips to calculate EMI

There are three ways by which you can calculate the EMI’s.

Mathematical formula
EMI’s are calculated with a simple mathematical formula,

A = B x IR x (1 + IR)^y / ((1 + IR)^y – 1)


A = Amount of EMI payable
B = Principal amount of loan
IR = Interest rate
y = Number of installments in which the loan will be repaid

Excel Spreadsheet
You can even use the Excel spreadsheet to calculate the monthly installments. Use the PMT, a pre-defined function, with the syntax PMT (rate, nper, pv)


pv = Current or principal loan amount
rate = Fixed interest rate of the loan
nper = Number of installments in which the loan will be repaid

Online Car loan EMI calculator

You can go online to access the car loan EMI calculator. All you have to do is select/provide a set of information into your loan application such as Ex-showroom price, down payment, repayment tenure, and interest rates. The automated systems generate the EMI breakdown within a few minutes.

With the online option, you can do all the necessary groundwork easily from your home.

4. Benefits of EMI calculator before applying for a car loan

When you apply for car loan, it is all about being ready with the necessary aspects for a successful car loan application. A failed loan application affects your Credit score and affects your chances of getting financed for your next loan as well. It is therefore necessary that you calculate the vehicle loan EMI’s beforehand to make sure that you do not default on your repayment.

Here are the benefits of finding EMI’s before applying for a car loan:

5. Avail paperless online on the go

Today, you do not have to travel around the city to visit banks or other lenders. Simply, log into your computer or smartphone to visit automobile e-commerce websites such as Droom. The company makes it easy for the users to avail paperless loan on the go.

With Droom Credit, you can